Friday, August 29, 2008

Supermoto de 0 a 100 km/h em 1 segundo

� comum ver os potentes motores V8 soltando fogo pelos escapamentos ou ainda ve�culos equipados com turbina de avi�o nas provas de arrancadas nos Estados Unidos. Mas, em �poca de conscientiza��o ecol�gica, uma categoria especial vem ganhando for�a nos campeonatos de dragsters norte-americanos: a das motos el�tricas.

E, entre elas, n�o tem para ningu�m. A rainha das pistas � a KillaCycle, o ve�culo el�trico mais r�pido do mundo. S�o mais de 500 cavalos de pot�ncia, que proporcionam uma acelera��o de 0 a 60 mph (0 a 96 km/h) em apenas 0,97 menos de 1 segundo!

N�o fosse o barulho do pneu traseiro agarrando o asfalto, a KillaCycle cortaria a pista de competi��o sem alarde. No momento em que o piloto Scotty Pollacheck arranca para uma prova, ele sofre uma acelera��o equivalente a 3G � tr�s vezes maior que a for�a da gravidade em queda livre.

Em novembro de 2007, a moto registrou o novo recorde mundial da categoria ao percorrer � de milha (402,336 metros) em 7,824 segundos � uma velocidade m�dia de 271,16 km/h.

Essa acelera��o fenomenal se explica pelo fato de que qualquer motor el�trico, uma vez acionado, entrega toda a pot�ncia e torque instantaneamente, n�o precisa ganhar giro para chegar � faixa ideal de desempenho (como acontece nos motores � combust�o).

Imagine a for�a de arranque de um sistema com dois motores el�tricos, como � o caso da KillaCycle... Para aliment�-los, foram instaladas nada menos que 990 baterias de �ons de l�tio de �ltima gera��o (o conjunto pesa 90 quilos), devidamente acomodadas abaixo do �tanque de combust�vel�. Juntas, elas fornecem 374 volts de tens�o el�trica e t�m capacidade energ�tica de 9,1 kWh.

Em uma corrida de arrancada (incluindo o aquecimento dos pneus �burn out� para aumentar a ader�ncia) os motores consomem 0,6 kWh equivalente, em dinheiro, (a 70 mililitros de gasolina). Ou seja, se a KillaCycle tivesse motor � combust�o, gastaria 1 litro de combust�vel para disputar 14 corridas.

A carga das baterias dura at� oito corridas, mas a equipe prefere recarreg�-las toda vez, j� que o processo leva apenas 5 minutos para o sistema atingir a carga total, e n�o comprometer o desempenho da m�quina de 296 quilos. A transmiss�o � feita por uma corrente ligada diretamente dos motores para a roda traseira.


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Test Review: Suzuki SX4 Sedan

The Suzuki Swift was a good � and successful - reintroduction of the small car maker�s presence back to Malaysia. It looked good, drove well and sold in good numbers too. So when Suzuki Automobiles Malaysia (SMA) introduced a slightly larger and taller crossover hatch in the form of the SX4, powered by a 1.6L (instead of the Swift�s1.5), I wasn�t really taken in, more so with its rather quirky A-pillars section, window with up-curved border et al.

Just last month, SMA was at it again, this time serving to broaden its car models range. With a boot added the SX4, Suzuki is now traversing into the dominant territory of the ubiquitous Toyota Vios, Honda City and to a certain extent, the Nissan Latio sedan. Honestly, I wasn�t very convinced either, of another B-segment sedan in the vein of tall boy concepts of the City and Latio sedan.

Truth is, the silver metallic SX4 sedan didn�t look disproportionate in the metal, unlike the pre-facelift City. Alright, the butt section is kind of J.Lo (the U.S. artiste, not our Jason Lo) or of Beyonce�s league but the tail lamps with some Audi A4 (B6) mimicry at its upper section did a little redemption of the slimming kind (read: disguises the bulk).

After a few days of driving around, I discovered there�s more to like about this car than its RM88,888 (OTR excluding insurance) CBU-from-Japan sticker price. The standard bodykit are miles better than those found via Honda�s Modulo (e.g. Stream) and Toyota (on its Altis) with none of the gap that needs black rubber lining to fill up to. The seats are way more generous and supportive than the other �Desirable� car, while the boot aces even the City at 515 litres capacity! Also �unique� to this segment is the SX4�s Isofix child seat points (at the rear) and a proper engine coolant temperature gauge.

The SX4 is very easy and nice to chuck around. Body roll is quite minimal despite its lofty perch, while the steering is simply well-weighted for its class. Even the on-steering headunit controls are tactile and felt premium. The 8-speaker audio system is also acceptable quality for an OE system. Though not class leading in terms of power output (102bhp at 5600 rpm/ 140Nm at 4000rpm), this tall Suzuki compact sedan remains affably tractable with a good spread of low end torque, only found to be a wee bit bogged down after going over a speed bump driving up a gradient.

Credit has to be given to Suzuki for the firm (quite VW-like) but pliant ride of its suspension, while maintaining pretty good body control over varying surfaces and during load changes. In short, the car felt taut on the move and well-built dynamically. On a strip of private road, I managed 160km/h with ease, with minimal wind noise, road noise and engine note. Despite being paired to a 4-speed automatic, the engine ticks at slightly over 2700 rpm at 120km/h. And of course, the roof remained quiet during much of the heavy downpour over the last few days.

Fuel burning rate for this spacious little sedan is a respectable 11.2km/l average, on a mix of highways and suburb driving. The dashboard is simple with straightforward controls, while its automatic climate control a/c is also a first for its class and price point. Its tall and very cab-forward stance worked very well in efficient use of space and packaging. For example, there are bottle holders on all 4 door pockets and even the centre console.

At the end of the day, I couldn�t fault the new Suzuki SX4 sedan much�well perhaps just maybe its bi-pod A-pillar(s) and the somewhat quirky A-pillar window. The engine bay could look a little neater with perhaps, a better looking cam-cover et al. However, these do not detract from the fact that the SX4 drives - and rides - well enough for a simple tech car with a low cost goal to its existence. To those who are looking to buy a B-segment sedan, do not cross this out from your shopping list without a test drive!

Lada apresenta C-Cross no Sal�o de Moscou

Durante o Sal�o de Moscou fabricante Lada mostrou o carro-conceito C-Cross, que mostra que esta afim de mudar a tradi��o da marca famosa por fabricar autom�veis rusticos.

Apresentado com apetrechos off-road (como um CrossFox), o hatch � atraente e pode chegar custando cerca de R$ 30 mil na Europa. A apresenta��o do utilit�rio esportivo conceitual s� foi poss�vel porque a empresa russa utilizou plataforma Renault M�gane. De acordo com as especula��es do mercado automotivo russo, o novo carro dever� custar � 12,80 mil, cerca de R$ 30 mil, depois que ingressar na linha de produ��o.

Ele d� pistas de como ser� o pr�ximo lan�amento da marca, um hatch m�dio com plataforma semelhante a do Renault M�gane, mas com modifica��es na suspens�o.

O modelo deve chegar ao mercado europeu para enfrentar o novo Ford Focus, comercializado h� alguns meses na Europa.

Fontes Webmotors e Autoesporte

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Chrysler pode vender Dodge Viper em vez de extingui-lo

O Dodge Viper � produzido pela Chrysler's desde 1992, mas como os tempos n�o est�o nada f�ceis eles n�o pode mais se dar ao luxo de continuar oferecendo o Viper. Bob Nardelli, presidente da montadora norte-americana, admitiu que a empresa est� a procura de interessados em explorar a imagem e os neg�cios do esportivo, ressaltando que vai ouvir todos aqueles que possuem algo tipo de liga��o com o carro, incluindo fornecedores, revendedores da marca e at� mesmo os propriet�rios e f�s.

A Chrysler afirma que esta ainda um pouco atordoada com a atitude dr�stica adotada. Os f�s do Viper est�o aliviados por saber que ele ainda ser� fabricado, mas
por outro lado, como imaginar uma outra empresa fabricando o Dodge Viper? Voc� pode imaginar Ford Mustang sendo fabricado pela Volks ou a GM vender o Corvette para Mercedes?

A Chrysler ainda n�o disse quem s�o os pretendentes a comprar os Vipers. Mas o Viper sendo comprado por outra marca ainda vai ser um Viper?

On Test: Suzuki SX4 Sedan

Currently on test as part of my NST-CBT COTY 2008 review, I found this to be an affable econo-runabout (in relative 'B-segment' terms, of course). So much so, I think I shall post up a full test report soon...

Watch this blog for this surprising little performer in the class of Toyota Vios, Honda City and Nissan Latio. It's a better drive than most of us would reckon it to be! :)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

NST-Maybank Cars.Bikes.Trucks (CBT) Car of The Year 2008 Awards

A media launch was held recently to announce the NST-CBT Car of the Year 2008 annual event, to be sponsored by Maybank and the pinnacle COTY 2008 Awards gala night sometime in November this year. It was hosted by Mitsubishi Motors Malaysia (MMM) at its Auto Pacifica dealer in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur.

Watch this space for further updates on the nominees and categories of NST-CBT COTY 2008.
NEWBIE CARS' Dr Max Long is on the panel of independent judges for NST-CBT COTY 2008.

For more info, go to:

Cadillac CTS-V tem desempenho melhor que os alem�es BMW M5 e do Mercedes E63 AMG

J� faz mais de 60 anos que os americanos falam do desempenho do Cadillac, mas Inside Line quis provar em n�meros este desempenho.

A CTS-V correu um quarto de milha em 12,5 segundos, o melhor desempenho era 12,7 da BMW M5 e do Mercedes E63 AMG. Ningu�m acreditava que um Cadillac poderia ter um desempenho melhor que os alem�es, mas tiverem: o CTS-V correu o circuito em 71,1 mph, enquanto o M5 e E63 decorreu se em 68,5 e 65 mph, respectivamente.

Mercedes-Benz SL63 AMG em vers�o tunada

At� mesmo a Mercedes-Benz SL63 AMG, um dos esportivos topos de linha da marca, adere a especializadas em prepara��o feitas pela Kicherer.

As modifica��es incluem um exclusivo sistema de escapamento que, com outras pequenas mudan�as na regulagem do motor, fez com que a pot�ncia do V8 aspirado de 6,2 litros ganhasse mais 35 cavalos, chegando aos 560 cavalos de pot�ncia � e 67,0 mkgf de torque.

Com o ganho no motor, o SL63 AMG Kicherer passou a ir de 0 a 100 km/h em apenas 4 segundos (0,4 segundo mais r�pido que a vers�o original de f�brica), com velocidade m�xima limitada eletronicamente de 320 km/h.

Para compor o visual ainda mais esportivo, a Kicherer desenvolveu um kit com pe�as de fibra de carbono que inclui as entradas de ar do cap�, o difusor de ar traseiro, os retrovisores externos e as ponteiras dos escapamentos. Para completar a obra, rodas de liga-leve de 20 polegadas com miolo preto e aro cromado.


CITRO�N returns to Malaysia with the C6 and the Grand C4 PICASSO

The launch of the C6 Luxury sedan and the Grand C4 Picasso by Brooklands Motors Sdn Bhd (BMSB), the sole importer & distributor of Citro�n in Malaysia, marked the return of Citro�n vehicles locally. This is definitely good news for Citro�n fans here who have not seen any new Citro�n vehicles launched here since 2005. The official launch ceremony was officiated by Dato� Jacob Dungau Sagan, the Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry, Malaysia.

Muhammad Fadhil Ahmad, Chief Executive Officer and Director of BMSB said, �The C6 that has been inspired by the great Citro�n cars of the past such as the DS, the SM, the CX and the XM is so authentically Citroen with new innovative technologies that have helped the Marque to establish a strong heritage in the luxury sedan market.

�The C6 is the first car to combine hydraulic suspension with double wishbones at the front and a multi-link set up at the rear. Associated with an active suspension system featuring electronically controlled springing and damping, the running gear of the C6 effectively soaks up bumps and dips in the road surface to set new standards in comfort, road holding and driving pleasure�.

The original design of the C6 combines the Marque's own styling cues with those of an executive car. The proportions of the roof line and the curve of the wheel arches immediately identify the C6 as one of the great Citro�n models. The C6 features a long front overhang and short rear overhang. The design lines and general approach bring to mind both a powerful coup� and a prestige saloon, from the standpoint of their respective qualities. At the front, the C6 features a wide grille and chrome chevrons spanning the nose right up to the vertical headlamps. The headlamps extend up onto the wings and wide ribbed bonnet.

A long wheelbase and flowing, aerodynamic profile give the C6 real presence, while suggesting space, stability and power. The windows hug the curve of the roof arch, which in turn blends smoothly into the rear pillars in a subtle nod to coup� styling, an effect that is taken one step further by the frameless doors.

At the rear, the design is particularly eye-catching. The concave window extends down to the boot lid and lights, thus adding the finishing touch to the body style. An air deflector is deployed automatically at speed, illustrating the attention paid to another key Citro�n value: aerodynamics.

The interior of the C6 creates an immediate impression of space and comfort. The pure lines of the dashboard, premium materials and comfortable, sculpted seats are an invitation to step on board and enjoy a relaxing ride. Classic and yet thoroughly original, the C6 sets itself apart from the models that currently set the standard in the sector, while meeting all the requirements of an executive car: elegance, refinement and presence.

The C6 Exclusive is priced at RM398,000 and comes with a two-year or 100,000km warranty. It is powered by the 3.0 V6 petrol engine that delivers 155 kW EEC (215 bhp DIN) at 6,000 rpm and 290 Nm of torque EEC at 3,752 rpm. The engine is fitted with a new exhaust line and dual-mode active silencer, which improves both performance and engine noise. By redirecting the exhaust gases in the silencer, this system improves engine noise in normal conditions of use and improves performance under load. In terms of environmental protection, the V6 engine meets the Euro IV emission standard.

The Grand C4 Picasso is an innovative and compact seven-seat MPV. It sports distinctive styling and a host of original features that make travelling by MPV an even more comfortable and enjoyable experience. With the fluid and harmonious profile of a true thoroughbred, the Grand C4 Picasso has all the hallmarks of a Citro�n. Continuing the trend set by the brand's latest models, this new MPV boasts some unique features that make life on board simpler and more enjoyable for its occupants.

From any angle, the Grand C4 Picasso is an impressive seven-seat MPV. Bold styling; with sweeping contours of innovative design give you an attractive yet purposeful road presence. And the driving experience is exceptional. It has a wide range of features as standard that make for a comfortable, enjoyable and safe journey for you and up to six passengers.

A five-star Euro NCAP safety rating means the Grand C4 Picasso is one of the safest cars on the road. You only have to look at the security and safety specifications of the Grand C4 Picasso to understand how important driver and passenger protection is to Citro�n, especially in a vehicle that can effortlessly carry seven people or large heavy loads.

Active features and aids that adapt to your driving needs, such as an automatic parking brake, dual zone climate control with air vents for all 3 seating rows, ESP, cruise control with speed limiter and multiple airbags come as standard, so convenience and passenger protection are at the heart of the Grand C4 Picasso, along with great handling, fuel economy and ample comfortable space for passengers and luggage.

The extensive use of glass gives great all round visibility. A raised, fully adjustable driving position and panoramic views of the road through a wide-angle, acoustically designed windscreen combine to give you unrivalled vision that helps to reduce driver fatigue.

The Grand C4 Picasso will be priced at RM168,000 with two-year or 100,000km warranty. It is powered by a 16-valve 2-litre engine that develops 103 kW EEC (143 bhp DIN) with maximum torque of 200 Nm available at 4,000 rpm. The engine features variable valve timing (VVT), to optimise filling of the combustion chambers, irrespective of engine speed. This engine is mated to an automatic 4-speed transmission system and it is Euro IV-compliant for environmental protection.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Novo Twingo Renault Sport (Twingo RS)

Ap�s a sua primeira apresenta��o no Motor Show de Genebra esta mar�o passado, a Renault foi finalmente libertado mais detalhes. Com 133 hp num motor 1.6 litros 16 v�lvulas.

Confira a galeria de fotos de Twingo RS clicando na imagem ou AQUI!

Nissan Livina chega ao pa�s no primeiro semestre de 2009

Depois de mostrar o Sandero Stepway, o presidente mundial dos Grupos Renault e Nissan, Carlos Ghosn, apresentou o Nissan Livina, um novo monovolume que ser� vendido no mercado nacional a partir de 2009.

O carro ser� fabricado na planta de S�o Jos� dos Pinhais, Paran�, e ter� motores com tecnologia flex�vel em combust�vel de 1,8-litro e 1,6-litro. O Nissan Livina estar� dispon�vel em duas vers�es, uma com capacidade para levar 5 ocupantes e outra para levar 7 passageiros, chamada de Grand Livina. A transmiss�o poder� ser autom�tica ou manual independentemente da motoriza��o escolhida pelo cliente.

O Livina � atualmente comercializado na China, Indon�sia, �frica do Sul, Tail�ndia e Oriente M�dio. Este � o quinto lan�amento da Nissan depois da implanta��o do plano Shift Mercosul. Dentro da lista de programa��o est�o: Murano, Sentra, Tiida, Nova Frontier e Livina (com a vers�o Grand).


Friday, August 22, 2008

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution (X) available now at RM323,888

Mitsubishi Motors' flagship and rally-bred sport saloon, the Lancer Evolution (Xth Edition) has finally landed officially in Malaysia. Launched to a packed audience at Suria KLCC, Kuala Lumpur, the SINGLE display car was literally swamped by enthusiasts and guests alike.

Standard Brembos peek through BBS 18" light alloys (above). Meaty steering wheel with plenty switches to toy around with (below).

Watch out for a first drive impression of the 6-speed Twin clutch -SST Evolution X driven by 295ps @ 6,500rpm and 366Nm of torque @ 3,500 rpm!

In the meantime, do check these out:
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