Friday, May 30, 2008

Adeus funilaria

O pesadelo das oficinas de funilaria esta para se tornar realidade. Imaginem amassar o carro em um dia e no outro j� est� como novo. Esta tecnologia ainda pode demorar um pouco para chegar as rumas mas j� n�o esta t�o longe da realidade.
Gra�as � nanotecnologia este sonho, para nos e pesadelo para as oficinas, pode se tornar realidade ela trabalha com estruturar do tamanho de mol�culas o que aumenta a capacidade de manipula��o dos materiais. Na industria automobil�stica faz estudos para a melhoria dos componentes e materiais com: tintas, metais pl�sticos e vidros.

No momento a nanotecnologia neste seguimento esta focada nos pl�sticos. Segundo Fl�vio Campos diretor regional de S�o Paulo da SAE Brasil (Sociedade de Engenheiros da Mobilidade), �O que temos implantado tanto no Brasil quanto fora s�o materiais pl�sticos com mais resist�ncia ao calor, mais robustos e, em alguns casos, com ganhos de produ��o, por causa da redu��o de custos�.

As aplica��es em pl�stico s�o varias: pain�is, carroceria, forra��es e outros acabamentos. Mas o grande ganho tem sido no compartimento do motor, devido � resist�ncia �s altas temperaturas. �A ind�stria vem substituindo partes met�licas por pl�stico. No Brasil, ainda n�o temos essa caracter�stica devido a processos internos, mas � uma tend�ncia�, afirma o diretor da SAE.

De acordo com o gerente de desenvolvimento de produtos e mercado da Nova Petroqu�mica, Cl�udio Marcondes, a utiliza��o de nanopart�culas de cer�mica � uma das inova��es que t�m ajudado a melhorar as caracter�sticas dos pl�sticos.
Numa pr�xima etapa a pintura ser� o foco. E j� esta em estado avan�ado de desenvolvimento �Voc� pode passar um prego na lataria e a pintura n�o risca�, Explica Fl�vio. E outra propriedade desta tinta � a reconstitui��o que se tiver um risco ele sai com o tempo, por�m Fl�vio explica que esta demorar� um pouco mais �Esta tecnologia est� sendo lan�ada fora do Brasil e � muito cara. Precisaria de uma escala adequada para compensar o custo. N�o d� para uma pessoa pagar, por exemplo, R$ 20 mil a mais em um carro s� por causa dessa caracter�stica�,
Outro material que � estudado, tem uma pesquisa na Alemanha que estuda o desenvolvimento de um efeito borracha na chapa de metal, ela amassaria e, depois, voltaria ao estado inicial.
Banco bactericida e vidro que escurece esta � o Um exemplo � o uso de nanopart�culas de prata em dutos e caixa de ar-condicionado, carpetes e tecidos, com foco no benef�cio proporcionado pela caracter�stica bactericida do material.

Em rela��o aos vidros, as pesquisas v�o desde a mudan�a das propriedades do material at� a sua substitui��o por policarbonato (material sint�tico). A mais recente inova��o, aplicada, por enquanto, apenas em Ferraris, � o vidro eletrocr�mico. O diretor-geral da Saint-Gobain Sekurit para Brasil e Argentina, Manuel Corr�a, explica que a tecnologia utiliza uma passagem de corrente el�trica pelo vidro, para que a cor do vidro se adapte de acordo com a necessidade de luminosidade do condutor.


Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ferrari divulga imagens do modelo Calif�rnia convers�vel

A Ferrari libero imagens do novo modelo o Calif�rnia convers�vel. O carro foi testado pessoalmente pelo presidente da empresa, Luca di Montezemolo, no circuito de Fiorano. O Calif�rnia vem com o motor V8 de 460 cavalos e faz de 0 a 100 em 4 segundos a 7500 rpm.

A Ferrari o equipou com um sistema de transmiss�o com dupla fric��o e 7 conex�es, melhorando o conforto de passagens de marcha e melhorados tamb�m os consumos e as relativas emiss�es, que deve fazer uma m�dia de 7,5 km/l. O volume do porta malas, segundo a Ferrari, � um dos diferenciais do esportivo. Com a capota abaixada, a capacidade � de 260 l.

Ap�s o teste, Montezemolo disse estar satisfeito com o resultado do projeto. "De fato, eu estou muito satisfeito com o trabalho que os homens e mulheres da Ferrari fizeram. O Calif�rnia � um carro extraordin�rio e eu fiquei encantado com a performance, conforto e prazer ao dirigir que ele proporciona".

Veja as fotos:


V�deo com os acidentes mais incr�veis em corridas

200 Seconds of Crashes - video powered by Metacafe


Audi R8 Furioso e Veloz

Ele entra no mercado para competir com carros como o Porsche 911, chegando nas ruas 3 anos depois de sua apresenta��o no sal�o de autom�veis de Frankfurt.
A grade trapezoidal da marca, pela primeira vez n�o traz o emblema das quatro argolas, que foi colocada em cima do capo.

Os far�is t�m LEDs para todas as fun��es (luz baixa, alta, diurna e de dire��o). Outros LEDs iluminam o compartimento do motor que pode ser visto pelo vidro traseiro. O aerof�lio � acionado com a velocidade. Feito em alum�nio e medindo 4,43 metros de comprimento, 1,90 de largura, 1,25 de altura e 2,65 de dist�ncia entre eixos.

No interior o volante tem a parte de baixo achatada. Tem dois lugares, como a maioria dos esportivos deste tipo, com bancos que podem ser em couro com Alc�ntara ao apenas couro. Sistema de som �udio Bang & Olufsen, com pot�ncia de 465 watts e 12 autofalantes e possui tamb�m um sistema de estacionamento com c�meras na traseira.

Com um motor V8 de 4,2 litros inje��o direta de gasolina FSI que o seda RS4 j� possu�a, o R8 tem a pot�ncia de 420 cv a 7.800 rpm e o torque m�ximo de 43,8 m.kgf entre 4.500 e 6.000 rpm. De acordo com a Audi o R8 vai de 0 a 100 km/h em 4,6 segundos e a velocidade m�xima � de 301 km/h e diferente dos outros modelos n�o tem sua velocidade controlada a 250 km/h

Ficha t�cnica do Audi R8

Motor: central, longitudinal V8, 32V, gasolina, inje��o direta
Cilindrada: 4 163 cm3
Di�metro x curso: 84,5 x 92,8 mm
Taxa de compress�o: 12,5:1
Pot�ncia: 420 cv a 7 800 rpm
Pot�ncia espec�fica: 100,9 cv/l
Torque: 43,9 mkgf a 4 500 rpm
C�mbio: manual de 6 marchas, tra��o integral quattro
Carroceria: de alum�nio, cup�, 2 portas, 2 lugares
Dimens�es: comprimento, 443 cm; largura, 190 cm; altura, 125 cm; entre eixos, 265 cm
Peso: 1 560 kg
Peso/pot�ncia: 3,7 kg/cv
Peso/torque: 35,5 kg/mkgf
Volumes: porta-malas, 100 litros; tanque de combust�vel, 75 litros
Suspens�o: duplo tri�ngulo nas 4 rodas
Freios: discos ventilados perfurados nas 4 rodas, com ABS e EBD
Dire��o: pinh�o e cremalheira, com assist�ncia el�trica
Pneus: 235/40 R18 (D), 285/35 R18 (T)
Principais equipamentos de s�rie: ar-condicionado, 6 airbags, computador de bordo, aquecedor dos bancos, far�is de leds e blocos el�pticos

Pre�o: 106 500 euros (Por enquanto s� existe com o V8. Em 2009 deve chegar o V10 5.2, emprestado do Lamborghini Gallardo. )

Veja o v�deo de apresenta��o:


First Drive: Mercedes-Benz W204 C230 V6 Avantgarde

The W204 C200K has been dissected by the motoring community thus far with mixed reviews. I found it a little light footed � with a feathery steering rack and a somewhat nervous chassis on those high speed run and during overtaking manouvres. Interestingly or rather baffling, waiting period for this junior exec from Mercedes-Benz Malaysia (MBM) has stretched to 8 months for the C200K Elegance while the Avantgarde version is back logged to 10 months now!

So it is with abated breath that I drove a new demo C230 V6 out of a Cycle & Carriage Bintang (CCB) showroom today, only to be a little disappointed. One, wait list for this soft-launched variant has ballooned to 6 months now and people paying RM300K for a compact sedan shouldn�t be made to wait half a year! Two, the Dynamic Handling mumbo-jumbo didn�t live up to its extreme expectation. Three, the 7G-Tronic seem to have a mind of its own should you want to rush things up a few notches.

Other than that, it�s a fine piece of all-new MB vehicle that oozes prestige, heritage, badge snobbery, solidity in motion and as always, creature comfort. The 6-pot is fine � apart from being a little thirsty � with mostly mid and upper range punch as you�d expect from a �small� V6. The 7G-Tronic isn't helping much with the 6th and 7th cogs mainly overdrive ratios while the 5th felt much like semi-overdrive. This made quick overtaking quite labourious with manual shifting of gears necessary into 4th or even 3rd gear - to ride on the M272 E25's normally-aspirated powerband. Also, I found it a little weird that manual shifting works better and faster via the gear lever than with the steering paddles! The C230 does however takes sweeping corners in stride and will take you from A to B in good shape with the least of drive and ride fatigue.

Problem is there will be more than a handful of enthusiasts who will contrast this to the BMW 325i Sports. That�s where the line of distinction between a good and a better drive starts to appear, not a bad versus an excellent one, mind you. I don�t intend make this article shootout themed so let�s not get into that. After all, I did not test the 325i or 325i Sports back to back.

On motorway, I�d say the new C230 have enough power for that cool, serene and laid-back drive. However, you have to be much more aggressive with that throttle and throw out the notions of driving a C200K, an A4 (B7) 2.0 TFSI or that wicked little Golf GTI. Work with that V6 quickly up the 3500rpm rev range, keep it there or higher and things do get spiced up. The 7G-Tronic is best left to its own devices and never turn the �SPORT� button off unless your mother-in-law is in your new C230! This little button determines the gear shifting response time, throttle response, firmer damping rate and steering agility too. So, don�t mess with that little switch (you don�t want to be in �C� drive mode) if you want to beat the supercharged C200K or that over-confident guy in his E90 325i.

Around bends, the C230 is pretty progressive in nature. You can attack corners at fairly good speed until you sense that rear end starting to veer out just that wee bit. More than that, you get that ESP in -dash exclamation mark blinking away. That said, I still find the rear axle a little twitchy (read: less planted), more so during quick lane change or sudden veering input at the rack. While it is definitely more composed than the C200K, I dare say I have had more fun in the old W203 C230 V6 Avantgarde Sports. Strange. (Or perhaps I need more than 90 minutes in a new C230?) The W204 C230 feels just that bit light-footed still, with the steering yet somewhat EPS-ish. Mind you it�s accurate and sharp but it just not weighty or talkative enough.

Rumbling over bad roads is definitely the new C230�s forte, no junior exec from Munich or Ingolstadt will ever match. Seats are comfy, well sized and supportive. Even hitting uneven patches mid corner does not ruffle its chassis composure. Well, perhaps just that ocassional single rear wheel trampling for footing over that split second. Otherwise, it�s fine. NVH refinements at triple digit speed are very good while straight line cruising stability cannot be faulted. However, I found the tester not very willing to climb higher after crossing mid-point of my quest towards the 2nd rung of triple digits velocity. Then again most engines need to be run-in, more so the European ones.

So there you have it the new C230 Avantgarde with Advanced Agility aka Dynamic Handling package. I have no major complaints with its ride, handling (you can definitely get accustomed to the chassis balance) and agility overall. But Mercedes-Benz, can we have a Kompressor in the C230 V6 for better low end torque? And if possible, a dual clutch 7-speed automated manual gearbox as say 7G-Tronic II? A little less hydraulic assistance for the power steering would be appreciated too. Thank you.

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2008 Hyundai Starex MPV

A Multi Purpose Vehicle (MPV) can be a tricky little acquisition for most of us with a growing family - children with a maid in tow plus extended families (in-laws, out-laws and what not!). More often than not, you would probably have gotten remarks like "It's a bloody van!" when you suddenly drive up in one of those tall-ish people carrier like the Toyota Avanza, Innova and Nissan Serena, Hyundai Trajet et al. Strangely though, when you pay over hundreds of thousands of ringgit for a Toyota Estima (ACR50), Nissan Elgrand, Honda Stepwgn (via USF) and even the bulky and chunky wardrobe-on-wheels grey-import Alphard, such demeaning comments seem to have suddenly faded away into oblivion. On the flipside, try choosing a low-riding, car-like MPV like Honda Odyssey, you may get a comment like "It's much like a funeral hearse". And then there's the occassion that should you mention Naza Citra, Toyota Wish, Honda Stream, Mazda5 and Nissan Grand Livina, many will complain that their 3rd rows are useless for adults (especially the rebadged Kia). Oh dear! What a predicament.

So, how do we balance space, size, flexibility, packaging and practicality with aesthetics? (Forget enthusiast's definition of driveability) And some would even throw in the all-important badge/brand and the ever-sensitive price factors in the works! Towards this I have this to say: "Make up your mind! There is no such thing as a car-like MPV with fuel economy of a sedan, handles like a sports hatch/sedan, looks sleek like a sports wagon (think: Mercedes R-Class?), boot like a sedan even with 3rd row up and blah! blah! blah!...."

Now wait a minute...maybe there is a solution to this complex mix bag of demands after all! Enter the 'van' of a people mover in the form of the new Hyundai Starex! I must say I'm not much moved by the spate of recent launches like the confused SUV-MPV 'hybrid' Toyota Rush, 7-seater SUV Chevrolet Captiva, Inokom Santa Fe and the likes. But this is different, even at first sight and contact at its launch in One Utama shopping centre recently. Though it's Korean (you know how nasty and stubborn some old mindsets are) and it has been christened "A Van!" by my close accountant friend, I think it has some pretty nice credentials commesurating with its asking price of RM138,888 for an 11-seater Alphard-sized people mover. Take out the 4th row permanently and you'd have luggage space the size of say a Naza-Kia Sorento with 8 seating capacities still intact (9 if you wanna push your luck with 3 abreast - centre seat belt is standard - up front 1st row). Unbelievable? Believe it!

For a start it has a 2.5L diesel common-rail direct injection (CRDi) with Variable Geometry Turbo (VGT) good for numbers like 170hp and 392Nm, mated to a 5-speed auto box for that leisurely and non-commercial panel-van drive...get it?
Apart from that it has a monocoque chassis, all-round disc brakes with ABS +EBD, McPherson struts up front and multilink at the back with coil springs. Internally it's A/C blowers for occupants in all 4 rows (12 vents in all if you wanna count). Bye-bye humid, stuffy and hot interiors in our scorching hot climate even when fully loaded with passengers!

Leather seats and a DVD player with LCD screen plus reverse camera is standard for the 11-seater variant (it can actually seat 12!). I have yet to see the standard 7-seater maodel asking for RM135,533 but there is a customised 7-seater (luxury) with meeting table of mahogany, a rear centre console, premium audio system, additional rear LCD screen for DVD video and luxurious Ottoman leather captain chairs. All these for 'only' RM172,888.

In all of singing praises for the new Hyundai Starex there are two things left undone:
1) After-market installation of electric powered door (minimum one side for the left rear door) should the writer get one for his ever-expanding family.
2) A road-test which NEWBIE CARS hope to be doing soon.

Maybe Michael Bay's "Transformers" has changed the writer's perception of bulky and chunky metal form presence on wheels after all ;)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Captiva Sport no Brasil

A General Motors confirmou nesta segunda-feira (26) o lan�amento do utilit�rio esportivo Captiva Sport para agosto. O modelo vir� do M�xico pais que tem um acordo de isen��o de impostos com o Brasil, ficando assim mais f�cil de importar. Ele poder� ser visto no Sal�o Internacional de autom�veis de S�o Paulo.

O valor do Captiva ficar� em torno de R$ 120 mil. E ser� vendido em 550 ponto de vendas do Brasil.

O �nico detalhe que a Chevrolet divulgou sobre o Captiva � que ele vir� com o mesmo motor do Omega o V6 Alloytec.

a Chevrolet pretende com a importa��o do utilit�rio ter uma concorr�ncia direta com a Hyundai que tem os modelos Tucson e o Santa F� que domina o mercado hoje.


Novo Gol na fachada da Fabrica

Volkswagen coloca um painel em frente a fabrica na Anchieta, o painel mais esconde do que mostra, mas da para ter uma id�ia de como ser� o gol g5.

Na imagem da para perceber que os far�is do novo gol seguir�o a linha Golf, Jetta, P�lo, etc. mas alem disso s� da para ter uma no��o de como ele vai ser.

Mas a fabrica j� tem estoque para abastecer a rede. Ele ter� vers�es de quatro portas, com motores 1.0 e 1.6.

A vers�o G4 do gol n�o sair� de linha ter� seu valor reduzido ficando como carro de entrada assim como j� faz hoje a Fiat com o Uno Mille. Os valores provavelmente ficar�o entre 26 e 32 mil reais, j� que deve ficar com valores pr�ximos ao do Fox.

O lan�amento deve chegar em julho �s concession�rias, ficamos no aguardo ent�o.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Moto com 'coluna espinhal'

A Yamaha lan�ou seu novo prot�tipo o Deus Ex Machine, foi desenvolvido em parceria com a faculdade norte-americana de design Art Center Pasadena.
O projeto futurista, assinado pelo estudante Jake Loniak, prop�e uma moto verticalizada que � a extens�o do corpo do piloto.
O modelo biomecatr�nico traz um exoesqueleto inspirado nos seres humanos, com uma 'coluna espinhal' de sete v�rtebras artificiais, 36 'm�sculos' pneum�ticos e duas 'costelas' met�licas, que abrigam os comandos do ve�culo.

Movido a baterias de �ons de l�tio (similares �s usadas nas novas gera��es dos carros h�bridos), em conjunto com ultracapacitores de energia, o Deus Ex Machina atinge os 120 km/h de velocidade m�xima e acelera de 0 a 100 km/h em cerca de 3 segundos!

O capacete � integrado ao ve�culo e veste o piloto obedecendo os comandos pneum�ticos, proporcionando maior conforto e seguran�a. As baterias t�m autonomia de 1 hora e tempo de carga de 15 minutos.


Thursday, May 22, 2008

2009 Ferrari California: Prancing Horse's new baby GT with a V8!

Due to go on sale in 2009, Ferrari California is an all-new Prancing Horse (earlier codenamed F149) sporting a roadster body with a folding hard top. Both chassis and bodywork are all-aluminium, in line with other current Ferrari models. The California will be powered by a new 4.3L V8 engine, mounted for the first time in the marque's history in the mid-front position. In traditional Ferrari transaxle layout, the V8 is coupled to a 7-speed dual-clutch transmission that optimises the car's performance and yet reduces fuel consumption and emissions (c.310 g/km CO2). The new V8 engine features direct fuel injection and a "flat crankshaft�. It generates 460ps at 7,500 rpm with a flat torque curve that enables the Ferrari California to sprint from 0 to 100 km/h in less than 4.0 seconds.

In line with Ferrari tradition, the new model also features several innovations. Apart from its folding hard top, these include the original 2+ concept which guarantees exceptional versatility of use in the rear of the car. Drive comfort is further enhanced by a new multilink rear suspension system. The Ferrari California is also equipped with the exclusive F1-Trac traction control system which made its debut on the 599 GTB Fiorano and has been further honed to suit the typical driving conditions expected for this new GT. Brembo brakes featuring carbon-ceramic material discs as standard guarantee consistently powerful braking.

The new sports car will be officially unveiled to the public at the Paris International Motor Show 2008. There is currently no plan to make a coupe version of the gorgeous California�but who knows?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

New Mitsubishi Triton variants coming soon to Malaysia

Mitsubishi Motors Malaysia, the exclusive distributor of Mitsubishi Motors passenger cars and commercial vehicles in Malaysia will launch two new variants of the popular Triton pick-up truck this June.

Backed by rally-proven heritage, Mitsubishi Motors Malaysia Sdn Bhd is confident of increasing its pick-up truck market share with the new 3.2-litre 4x4 automatic and 2.5-litre 4x2 manual variants.

The pick-up truck sales volume saw a remarkable growth with 3,480 units sold in 2007, up 59.6 per cent from 2006, making Mitsubishi Motors' pick-up truck the second most popular pick-up truck in the country with a 15.7 per cent share in the segment. "The two new variants of the Triton are expected to appeal to a wider market � the 3.2-litre 4x4 automatic is the most powerful pick-up truck in its class while 2.5-litre 4x2 manual variant is light on fuel and affordable. Meeting the needs of high-performance enjoyment and off-road ruggedness, Malaysians can choose the best variant to suit their needs � be it for daily use or weekend drive," said Mr Keizo Ono, Chief Executive Officer of Mitsubishi Motors Malaysia.

Prior to the official launch of the new variants, the Triton 3.2-litre 4x4 is estimated at RM100, 000 and the 2.5-litre 4x2 at RM60, 000. The current available model - Triton 4x4 automatic and manual which are equipped with 2.5-litre direct-injection common-rail intercooled turbodiesel engine are priced at RM91,782.00 and RM86,782.00 respectively (on the road with insurance).

The Triton pick-up truck has garnered immense response since its launch in November 2006. It has earned praises for its exceptional handling, best in its class engine performance, futuristic exterior styling and comfort of a luxury sedan. It was awarded the Pick-up Truck of the Year award at the New Straits Times/ Maybank Car of the Year Awards 2007. For the second year in succession, the Triton also claimed the top honours in the Pick-up of the Year category of the Autocar ASEAN Car of the Year Awards 2007.

Related post:

Thursday, May 15, 2008

New Naza 2S Centre in Shah Alam for Naza Forza and Sutera

Naza Forza and Sutera owners can now rejoice with the opening of the new Naza Corporation Service Centre which caters specifically to the Forza and Sutera.

The new Naza Corporation Service Centre which is based at 43, Jalan Pentadbir U1/30, HICOM Glenmarie Industrial Park, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor will officially be accepting the Naza Forza and Sutera models from Monday, 12 May onwards.

The new facility is fully equipped with spare parts, special tools and diagnostic equipment. It will also be handling all warranty jobs with regards to the Forza and Sutera. The new facility is staffed with eight fully trained personnel who are able to keep the Forza and Sutera properly maintained. Eight service bays are also available to ensure that all Forza and Sutera owners receive prompt and efficient service at all times.

Naza Forza and Sutera owners who would like to make appointments for service at the new Naza Corporation Service centre are advised to call 03-5569 0886 / 887 / 889. Opening hours for the new facility are as follows:

Monday � Friday : 9:00am � 5:30pm
Saturday : 9:00am � 1:00pm
Sunday : Closed

SM Nasarudin Tan Sri Dato� Seri Utama SM Nasimuddin, Director of Naza Corporation Sdn Bhd said that the company is firmly behind the Forza and Sutera and the opening of this new service centre exemplifies the company�s full backing and commitment for the Forza and Sutera. Owners of the two models can be assured of competitive pricing as well as professional and prompt services when servicing their cars at the new service centre at Shah Alam. He adds that this is not the only new Naza Corporation Service Centre and that there are plans to open at least another four such centres in Johor, Penang, Kelantan and Terengganu. He mentioned that the other new centres will be opened before the end of 2008.

At present, the Naza Forza is also exported to countries like Nepal, Bangladesh, Thailand and Singapore. Exports to Thailand and Singapore which only began earlier this year are also said to be very encouraging with strong acceptance for supermini cars from Malaysia. Export sales amount to about 30% of total Naza Forza sales. Orders for the Naza Forza from the Thailand distributor have reached almost 600 units. Naza Corporation is also in talks to export the Forza to countries like Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Mauritius.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Perodua Nautica 4WD: Kembara's successor at RM89,800

Most of you would have reacted 'accordingly' by now to the relatively whopping sticker price of almost-RM90k for a compact SUV - rebadged as a Perodua - which is a short wheelbase version of the Toyota Rush, albeit with permanent 4WD.

The new Nautica 4WD is powered by a 1.5L DVVT engine (3SZ-VE) with a max output of 109bhp at 6,000rpm and 141Nm of torque at 4,400rpm. The same engine is likewise longitudinally mounted in the Toyota Rush 2WD and Toyota Avanza 1.5 budget MPV. As with both other cousins from Toyota stable, tranny of choice is 4-speed automatic. However, being a full-time 4WD with a centre differential lock differentiates it from its 'lesser' siblings.

Perodua doesn't pretend that the Nautica 4WD is an "affordable" (read: value-for-money) SUV for the masses like the Kembara before this, with the 2nd national car company setting a sales target of just 150 -200 units per month.

Related post:

Monday, May 5, 2008

2009 Opel Insignia

Opel has announced that it will showcase its new Insignia at the 2008 London Motor Show this coming July. The Insignia will replace Opel�s current Vectra sedan. Developed at GM Europe�s International Technical Development Centre in R�sselsheim, Germany, the new Insignia will be sold in the U.S. as the next-generation Saturn Aura.

The Opel Insignia is a 4.83m sedan with a coupe-like profile featuring a distinctive radiator grille with a newly-designed Opel emblem, a sweeping front and rear light �wing� signature and a �blade� side contour that begins directly behind the front wheel arch and glides through the entire body flanks.

This successor to Opel Vectra will have 7 engine variants mated to either manual or automatic tranny, both 6-speed boxes. All powerplants meet stricter Euro 5 emissions standards. Four of them are petrol engines ranging from a 4-cylinder 115 hp unit to a V6 with 260 hp. Mostly for European market, the other three are direct-injection diesels of 2.0L capacity in different state of tunes, producing 110 hp to 160 hp. Driveline options are either front-wheel drive or all-wheel drive (AWD) with Adaptive Stability Technology � what Opel called FlexRide - which has ride and handling settings adjustable by the driver.

The all-new Opel Insignia will go on sale in Europe by Q4 2008.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Naza Group founder dies of cancer

Founder, chairman and CEO of the Naza Group Tan Sri S.M. Nasimuddin S.M. Amin passed away today (Thursday in the U.S) at 1.15am Malaysian time in Los Angeles, California. He was 53 and had received treatment for lung cancer.

The Naza Group, formed in 1974, has diverse interests which encompasses motor trading, motorbikes, manufacturing, transport services, machine tools and parts, engineering, plantation, cigarette distribution, credit and leasing, water crafts, properties, hotel operation and insurance. Naza Group is the franchise holder for Kia, Peugeot, Brabus, Hamann and Ducati bikes in Malaysia. It was recently appointed sole distributor and importer of Ferrari in Malaysia via establishment of Naza Italia. It also holds the import permits (A.P.) for Mercedes-Benz and Mazda automobiles.

My heartfelt condolence to the family members of Tan Sri, in the trying times of their bereavement.
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