Monday, July 18, 2011

2012 Peugeot iOn Review

Policy, a dream, the first New Generation 100% full size electric car is here. Peugeot is making available not only to a few intrepid adventurers, but a wide customer base consists of individuals, professionals and public services, which are all convinced, and decided to take a first step towards a new kind of mobility. Peugeot 100% electric ion, urban city car, easy to use, quiet, safe, connected, convenient and easy to drive a variety of services Peugeot Connect, you can get around the city in such a way that is differentiated and sustainable.

Advancement, r�ve d'une des voitures the premier 100% New Generation Pleine grandeur �lectrique est l�. Peugeot qu'il fait non seulement pour les east Disponible aventuriers quelques intr�pides, mais pour une large customers to dial de particuliers, et professionnels public services, here sont tous � prendre r�solus convaincus is the premiere ensemble Etape vers un nouveau type de mobilit�. Peugeot's 100% �lectrique ions, Runabouts urbain, � utiliser easy, silencieux, coffre-fort, reli�, confortable et � conduire avec une simple ranges of services Peugeot Connect P�rmet vous d�placer en ville de vous d'une fa�on differente Qui est addition Non-durable.

Ambientale Consapevolezza governi espresso dai, authoritative locali insieme e il pubblico with di nuova immagazzinamento dell'energia technology, oggi per dare you self elettriche per mettere a Radici possibilit� seconda citt� e la loro in periphery.

Peugeot, leader of World of Cars Electricity is a term they 106S Vend�e Number electricity, takes a new step in reducing the emissions of some of the marketing of the Peugeot iOn, First of New Generation Vehicles electricity 100%.

A new driving experience URBAN: zero emissions, quiet, convenient, Responsive


Peugeot ions, udformet som den byen og forst�derne ideelle billion until, er mod Rettet prim�rt offentlig og Tjenester virksomheder, men privatpersoner OGSA. Denne lobe kombinerer bem�rkelsesv�rdig Emballage Rundt med god indvendig Plads, uovertruffen h�ndtering, Streng sikkerhedskrav, og en af ??H�j grad af komfort forst�rkes I specifikation generosity series. Kommer de Hertil fordele, the el-der Liggeri technological nemlig I uset hidtil stilheden, frav�ret af CO2 og udslippet Fantastisk k�reegenskaber.

Bilen er ved at Nar Blivi Kort, j�vnstr�m omdanner inverteren 330 V (DC) 330 V P� vekselstr�m batteriet fra (AC) until the motor Elektriska Levere lair. Den den Elektriska OGSA styrene motor af af af placeringen afh�ngigt og i Lobet energiudnyttelse speeder phase.

The motor is reversible. During the slowdown generates an alternating current (AC) which is converted by the inverter from direct current (DC) to charge the player (generator mode).

Charger on board to change the family 220-volt alternating current (AC), the 330 V direct current (DC) to drive the battery. It controls the input current of 14 and 8, the battery provides the electricity.

For immediate download, 50 kW battery charger directly to DC power supplies and charge the battery to run. The device acts as a three-phase 380 V (delivered directly to the mains). Battery is then involved in single-phase voltage up to 125 A. The charging will be monitored and controlled the dialogue between the electronic and the vehicle charger unit.Recharging stops automatically when 80% of full charge is reached. Another step would be to start the download (after the first 80%), and continues up to 100%, but more slowly, so as not to exceed the voltage of each battery cell.

Converter (DC) en la unidad de carga integrado board generates a 14 V to 330 V de la bateria de La Bateria de tracci�n para Recargar el suministro de equipo 12 V of the coche - ECU, luces, sonido de system, direcci�n asistida, bomb vac�o de bomb de agua, el mismo papel etc. Juega como de un vehiculo de GENERADOR motor de combustion.

Controllo Elettronico

Lorsque the voiture roule, l'unit� de commande �lectronique surveilled in Permanence du v�hicule le bon fonctionnement et l'management control �nergie. Le travail a �t� fait pour Optimiser notamment les performances et la promotion de l'�nergie pendant freinage him. Ind�pendamment des conditions de route et les niveaux de charge the batterie, you will controleur vehicle determines r�sultats du d'exploitation du moteur.

The battery has its own controls phase of recharge, discharge in relation to the electronic control unit of the vehicle.

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